
John Bennett


Special Programs & Housing Officer

Stirling and Nearby: Late February 2014

John Bennett February 15, 2014

Art and Culture PGA Ryder Cup Heritage Exhibition:   Throughout the End of February, Smith Art Gallery & Museum An exhibition tracking the progress of the Ryder Cup, from its creation in 1926 through to the 2014 tournament. The Kelpies and Selkies:… More

Aberdeen: Early February 2014

John Bennett February 1, 2014

Art and Culture The Amateur Eye: Photographs of 1930s Aberdeen: Throughout the Beginning of February, Aberdeen Maritime Museum Previously unseen photographs taken by chemistry teacher and talented amateur photographer, Martin F Bailey, around Aberdeen… More

Edinburgh: Early February 2014

John Bennett February 1, 2014

Art and Culture Burnsfest: 1 February, Scottish Storytelling Centre A programme of events based around the works of Oor Rabbie, including storytelling, theater, exhibitions and a ceilidh. Bruce Munro: Field of Light: Throughout the Beginning of February… More

Glasgow: Early February 2014

John Bennett February 1, 2014

Art and Culture Robert McNeil: Witness: Throughout the Beginning of February, Mitchell Library Works of art made by the artist in response to his own work as a forensic scientist in war zones around the world. D&G  | Out: Throughout the Beginning of… More

St Andrews and Nearby: Early February 2014

John Bennett February 1, 2014

Art and Culture May they always Flourish: Graduation at the University of St Andrews: Throughout the Beginning of February, MUSA Exhibition about the roots of graduating at the University of St Andrews. Caroline Shenton: The Day Parliament Burned Down:… More

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