
John Bennett


Special Programs & Housing Officer

Glasgow: Late July 2014

John Bennett June 6, 2014

Art and Culture Adult Art Afternoons: 29 June, St Mungo Museum of Religious Life and Art, 1-4pm An introduction to simple bookmaking. Sara Barker: For Myself & Strangers: Beginning 27 June, Gallery of Modern Art Sculpture from the Glasgow-based artist… More

Aberdeen: Early June 2014

John Bennett June 1, 2014

Art and Culture Celebrating 30 Years of the Aberdeen Maritime Museum: Throughout the Beginning of June, Aberdeen Maritime Museum An exhibition of photographs spanning three decades marks the anniversary of the opening of the Aberdeen Maritime Museum… More

Edinburgh: Early June 2014

John Bennett June 1, 2014

Art and Culture Uncle Varick: 6 June, The Brunton (Musselburgh), 7.30pm A play where 60s London collides with remote Scotland. Sherlock Holmes: The Hounds of Baskervilles: 10 June, National Library of Scotland, 6pm Snow Angels Theatre presents their… More

Glasgow: Early June 2014

John Bennett June 1, 2014

Art and Culture Glasgow 2014: The Environmental Legacy and XX Commonwealth Games in Glasgow: Throughout the Beginning of June, The Lighthouse A six-month programme of exhibitions, talks and activities, looking at how the 2014 Commonwealth Games will… More

St Andrews and Nearby: Early June 2014

John Bennett June 1, 2014

Art and Culture Witches and Martyrs of St Andrews: 3 June, Martyrs Monument, The Scores, 11am Transports you to the most tumultuous periods when persecution and torture resulted in horrific death – follow in the footsteps of the women accrued of witchcraft… More

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