What's new in November: Events around Scotland

Emily Goetsch November 1, 2017

It's very hard to believe that we're around the mid-way mark in the semester - where did the time go?It's been a busy start to the term with a number of successful Arcadia trips, which included visits to the Scottish Borders, Firbush Outdoor Centre, Skye… More

Haunted happenings: October in Scotland

Emily Goetsch October 1, 2017

Scotland's history of full of ghost stories, tales of horror and spooky occurrences.  While you can investigate these dark and ghoulish aspects of the country all year long, they lend a particularly special dimension to the month of October and Halloween… More

August and That Festival Feeling

Emily Goetsch August 1, 2017

This year marks the 70th anniversary of the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, the largest arts festival in the world.  The Fringe began in 1947, when eight uninvited theater groups turned up in Edinburgh to perform at the first Edinburgh International Festival… More

The Everyday Joy of Being a SUISS Student

Student Voices June 15, 2016

written by shannon dolley, scottish universities international summer school (Suiss) “When I was in Scotland . . . ” These days, as I approach the one year anniversary of my adventure with SUISS, I find myself beginning many sentences with these words… More

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