The Other Side of Being Abroad: Studying

Calissa McNutt April 25, 2024

It’s crazy to think that we are nearly halfway through the semester when it felt like I just arrived in Aotearoa just last week. The two-week break is heading into the final week, and I thought writing about classes and homework would be a good idea as… More

Self-Growth and Branching Out

Calissa McNutt April 11, 2024

One month in and a week left until the mid-semester break. Time has flown by since I first arrived in Aotearoa with my family for a brief family vacation before Arcadia orientation began. After a few weeks of walking around campus and getting lost a few… More

Settling into a New Routine

Calissa McNutt March 7, 2024

Before I chose Auckland, New Zealand, as my final destination, the main things that influenced my decision to study abroad were the courses, the probability of returning to the country, and the overall best fit for gaining new experiences. One thing I… More

I Think I Know What I'm Doing?

Lauren Kelly October 19, 2020

This will be a long post! I am currently writing this in the upper reading room of the Bodleian Library at the end of 1st week. With all of the old books you can’t check out, rows and rows of desks, Latin everywhere (thank goodness for the term of Latin… More