
Dr. Hamish Thompson June 1, 2018

Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope.” Maya Angelou Study abroad transgresses and crosses borders. These can be physical, linguistic, political, cultural – but at the… More


Dr. Hamish Thompson March 19, 2018

The political left and the Union movement of current democracies has part of its origin in Scotland and with Scots. One of the first national strikes took place in Scotland in 1820 involving 60,000 workers. This was largely motivated by artisans and the… More

Just Keep Swimming

Dr. Hamish Thompson March 9, 2018

“How different things are in the sea, in which every inch of my skin tingles and thrills, where I am tossed and buffeted, taken to new places – out of the comfort zone, as the pedagogical jargon has it, into the learning zone, touching on the margins… More

Scotland and Brexit Update!

Dr. Hamish Thompson February 20, 2018

A lot has occurred since the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union in June 2016. Nearly a year ago, Theresa May (the current Prime Minister of the United Kingdom) blocked the Scottish Parliament majority vote for holding a second Scottish independence… More

Robert Louis Stevenson Day

Dr. Hamish Thompson November 13, 2017

November 13th is Robert Louis Stevenson Day, commemorating the world-renowned author's birthday in 1850. Amongst his famous works such as Treasure Island and The Strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde - a fantastic tale of moral duality and split personality… More

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