In preparation for your summer internship in Scotland, the Edinburgh Center would like to share a few important pieces of information regarding your arrival, Arcadia’s Co-Curricular events, and the grading system with the Parliamentary program. Do not… More
Art and Culture
Shattered Hopes: The Gordon Highlanders in 1914: Throughout the Beginning of May, The Gordon Highlanders' Museum
Discover the role the Regiment had in the first few months of World War I.
Aberdeen Artists Society Annual Exhibition:… More
Art and Culture
Bannockburn 700: Remember Bannockburn!: Throughout the Beginning of May, Smith Art Gallery & Museum
To mark the 700th anniversary of the battle of Bannockburn this exhibition looks back at the history of the battle site, the Bannockburn… More
Art and Culture
It'll be alright on the Night: 1-3 May, Preservation Trust Museum, 7.30pm
A comedy set backstage and onstage in the 1960s Byre Theatre – missing costumes, lost actors, a fretting director and a stage manager trying to hold it all together… More
Art and Culture
Atelier Public #2: Throughout the Beginning of May, Gallery of Modern Art
Work from Modern Edinburgh Film School, Emma Balkind, Brian Hartley and Anthony Schrag, exploring ideas of play, participation, democracy and the public space… More
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