Edinburgh: Early July 2014

John Bennett Special Programs & Housing Officer


July 1, 2014

Art and Culture

An Audience with Bannockburn: Throughout the Beginning of July, Scottish Storytelling Centre

Immerse yourself in Scottish history with this multi-arts commemoration of the Battle of Bannockburn, with live storytelling, live painting, costumed battles and more! Plus, a Father's Day event that honors Robert the Bruce.

Eddscape @ The Cameo: Throughout the Beginning of July, Cameo Cinema

An exhibition of fictional film posters inspired by iconic landmarks from Edinburgh and elsewhere.

An Alphabetical Tour of Scottish Art: Throughout the Beginning of July, City Art Centre

An overview of Scottish art from the 17th century to the present day, featuring artists from William Allan to Aleksander Zyw.

Annuale: Throughout the Beginning of July, Various Venues

Annuale is a festival celebrating independent grass roots creative projects in Edinburgh, curated by the Embassy gallery. This festival takes place over different venues and times; please see website for details.

Citizens of the World: David Hume & Allan Ramsay: Throughout the Beginning of July, Scottish National Portrait Gallery

Too few Scots are aware that Scotland has its own Enlightenment, and a hugely influential one at that, with a world-class philosopher in David Hume, an equally heavy-hitting economist in Adam Smith, an outstanding painter in Allan Ramsay, plus less well-known intellectual giants like Hutcheson, Ferguson, Reid and others.

The Great Tapestry of Scotland: Throughout the Beginning of July, The Scottish Parliament

Potentially the longest tapestry in the world (beating the Kieskamma tapestry in the South African parliament by a cool 23 metres), the artwork has been worked on by people from all across the country since 2012. It tells the story of Scotland's history from the formation of the land in the prehistoric era to the re-convention of the Scottish Parliament in 1998, in 160 panels and 143 meters of stitching.

Jason Dee: Pursuit of a Shadow: Through 5 July, Talbot Rice Gallery

A comprehensive show of work by the Glasgow-based video artist, manipulating scenes from cinema history.

A Thousand of Him, Scattered: Relative Newcomers to Disapora: Throughout the Beginning of July, Stills

A photographic look at diaspora and how individuals respond to it. Featuring work by seven international artists: Edgar Arceneaux, Yael Bartana, Richard Fung, Kiluanji Kia Henda, Bouchra Khalili, Maud Sulter and Milja Viita.

Andrew Gilbert: The Glorious Return of Emperor Andrew: Throughout the Beginning of July, Summerhall

Paintings inspired – negatively, at any rate – by the legacy of European colonialism.

The Art of Golf Opening Lecture: John Lavery--The Artist as Reporter: 11 July, Scottish National Gallery, 12:45pm

Kenneth McConkey discusses the work of John Lavery, with special reference to his paintings of golf, as an introduction to the Art of Golf exhibition. Booking is essential.

Music, Comedy and Dance

Exploring African Culture Through Dance: 13 July, Dance Base, 6pm

Dance performance and film screenings of Movement (R)evolution Africa and Tango Negro.

Ceilidh Club: 1 and 8 July, Summerhall, 8pm

Ceilidh dancing, furious fiddlers and callers from the Edinburgh Ceilidh Club lead you through the steps.

Neil Thomson: 1, 8 and 15 July, Captains Bar, 8.30pm

Traditional folk singing.

Gillywolfe: 5-6 and 12-13 July, Captains Bar, 9pm

Folk on fiddle, guitar and vocals from Becka Wolfe and Sam Gillespie.

Lectures, Sports and Local Festivals

Alex Hodgson: 1 July, Leith Folk Club, 7pm

National Burnsong winner Hodgson performs modern folk with his band.

Waverley and Walter Scott: 7 July, Central Library, 7pm

Celebrate the 200th anniversary of the publication of Waverley with writer and critic Stuart Kelly.

Edinburgh International Magic Festival: Throughout the Beginning of July, Various Venues

MagicFest pulls another rabbit out of the hat with a programme of close-up conundrums, mind-boggling illusions, comic cabaret and other feats of the impossible. The festival begins with the Magic and Variety Gala Opening and continues to bamboozle with events and workshops.

Imagine a Better Scotland: 9-12 July, Summerhall

The Edinburgh leg of the Yestival tour from National Collective (artists and creatives for Scottish independence), examining the Scottish Referendum via talks, debates, exhibitions and more. Highlights include Alan Bissett: Get Yer Hits Oot For The Nats! (Thu, 6.30pm); Robin McAlpine: Design for Life (Fri, 6.30pm); Stand Up For Scotland (Sat, 7.30pm) with comedy from Hardeep Singh Kohli, David Kay, Keir McAlister and Susie McCabe and Imagine A Better Scotland After-Party (Sat, 10pm) with DJs Éclair Fifi (Lucky Me) and House of Traps (Firecracker). UNsurporisingly most events present a pro-Independence stance with the odd 'No' (eg John McTernan: Patriots Vote No, Thu, 1pm).

The Portobello Poetry Circus: 11 July, Dalriada, 8pm

Wordsmithery from poets and spoken word performers, plus a few open mix slots.