Fall 2020 Virtual Events

Laura Williamson Student Services Officer


September 23, 2020

I hope you are doing well and some getting to now experience the cities/towns you are in! We thought we would start with four virtual events to get this semester going (fingers and toes crossed for face to face events in October- will keep you posted on that one). We have joined up with our lovely colleagues south of the border to join two of their events also. Please see below the options along with the zoom links to join each or all if you fancy :)

Wednesday 23rd September - Tea & Trivia at 6pm

Zoom Link: https://arcadia.zoom.us/j/99994178550

Come along and put your British knowledge to the test!  All you need to bring is a paper, pen, and a beverage of your choice!  Did you know after water, it is the most widely consumed drink in the world. There are many different types of tea; some, like Darjeeling and Chinese greens, have a cooling, slightly bitter, and astringent flavour, while others have vastly different profiles that include sweet, nutty, floral, or grassy notes. Please note, this event is run by our fabulous colleagues in the England office.



Wednesday 30th September at 7pm- James Mooney- Scotland on Screen: from Hollywood to Holyrood.

Zoom Link: https://arcadia.zoom.us/s/93499377976

In this session, we will be looking at Scottish Identity through the medium of film. By using clips from a range of movies, we will consider to what extent a stereotyped view of Scotland and Scottishness has been imposed by Hollywood. We will also look at films, which offer a more authentic view of what it means to be Scottish.



Wednesday 7th October- TBC (London organising)

Zoom Link: TBC


Wednesday 14th October- James Robertson Author Talk at 7pm

Zoom Link: https://arcadia.zoom.us/j/9266644470 

Every semester, the Edinburgh Center hosts an evening with a Scottish author. This semester, we’re delighted to announce that James Robertson will join us to discuss his book Joseph Knight:Exiled to Jamaica after the horrors of the Battle of Culloden, the young Sir John Wedderburn quickly made a fortune as a sugar planter. When he returned to Scotland to marry and re-establish the family name, he brought with him Joseph Knight, a black slave, one of the first in Scotland, as a token of his years in the Caribbean. Now at the end of his life, long after the Edinburgh court case which went to the heart of Scottish society, pitting master against slave, property against freedom, Wedderburn tries to track down Joseph Knight who has been missing for twenty-four years and whom he has never forgotten. This is a fantastic opportunity to meet and learn from a published author and will be of great interest to those studying creative writing, literature and with an interest in the history of slavery in the context of Scotland. Previous authors have included Alan Bissett, Kirsty Gunn, Kevin MacNeil, Victoria Whitworth, Bella Bathurst, Ken MacLeod and more.


And finally, some of the Study Abroad programmes in the UK were thinking of getting together a Debate Club to meet on Zoom and host some debates and potentially competitions. If you were on a debate team at school, are studying Law or Politics or just want to try a new hobby, this is a great way to learn new skills, practice existing ones and meet students beyond Arcadia. At the moment we are just trying to gauge potential interest. If you think this would be of interest to you, please drop a quick email to Polly on penterp@arcadia.edu.