Ken MacLeod - The Restoration Game

Emma Simpson Student Services Officer


March 22, 2017

As part of our lecture series, award-winning author Ken MacLeod joined us at the Arcadia Edinburgh Center to talk about his book, The Restoration Game, and life as a science-fiction novelist. 

Described as techno-thriller, The Restoration Game follows the brewing revolution in Krassnia, a tiny, troubled region of the former Soviet Union. Its organisers need a safe place to meet, and where better than the virtual spaces of an online game? Lucy Stone, who works for a start-up games company in Edinburgh, has a project that almost seems made for the job: its original inspiration came from The Krassniad - an epic tale, based on Krassnian folklore, concocted by Lucy's mother who studied there in the 1980s.

Discussing not only his own work and background but also science fiction as a genre and its development in the past several decades, you can watch Ken's talk in its entirety below:

Thank you so much to Ken for coming to speak with us. You can keep up with Ken via his blog and on Twitter @amendlocke.
