Preparing for Exams

John Bennett Special Programs & Housing Officer


April 23, 2014

The semester has flown by and it's hard to believe that we are entering into the revision and exam periods!  As studying in the Scottish education system can be a bit different than what you might be used to, we have compiled a few points and ideas to help you better prepare for your final assignments and exams.

As always, if you have any questions about the end of the term or any of your university's resources, don't hesitate to get in touch with us.  We are always happy to offer a hand!

Tips for Preparing for Finals:

- Check out the past papers online to get a sense of the questions that will be asked.

- Review the resources listed on your syllabi and lecture slides.  These will probably give you a sense of key ideas and themes.

- Answer the question!  Be clear and specific in your responses, taking care to address all aspects of posed questions.

- Don't hesitate to call on university and Arcadia resources--writing centres, study skills workshops, counselling services, etc. are all there to help you succeed.

- If you have questions, ask!   If you are unsure of material, consult your classmates, tutorial groups and tutors

- Ensure that you know the times and locations of your exams and assignment submissions.

- Get plenty of sleep, stay hydrated and eat good, nutritional food

- Take breaks.  Give your mind a break every once in a while and allow yourself to relax and re-charge.

These are just a few ideas to help you in your preparations but, again, we are more than happy to chat and direct you to appropriate resources.

We wish you the best of luck during the exam period and hope that you will keep us posted with how you are doing!