St Andrews and Nearby: Late May 2014

John Bennett Special Programs & Housing Officer


May 16, 2014

Art and Culture

Who Lived Here?: 17 May, Preservation Trust Museum

Self-guided tour that lifts the lid on the lost fisher-folk of the ‘Ladyhead’ – traditions, folklore, and superstitions of this local fishing quarter through crafts, storytelling, songs and photographic exhibitions.

Gateway to the Past: A Victorian Science Festival: 17 May, Gateway Gallery, 3pm

Go back to the great age of scientific discovery and immerse yourself in the sights and sounds of a Victorian science fair. Attended by some authentic 19th century scientists – two of whom revolutionized our understanding of sound – you can see just how the historical scientific instruments were used. Try on the costumes of the day (and have the moment captured in a new-fangled ‘photograph’) or join the ranks of Edison and Marconi by trying your hand at a spot of inventing. Help celebrate the Victorian’s innovations in the science of sound.

St Andrews and the Great War: Beginning 31 May, St Andrews Preservation Trust,

Summer exhibition.

Music, Comedy and Dance

Music by the Madrigal Society: 16 May, MUSA, 2pm

Programme will include Romantic English part-songs, Scottish folk songs and the Gaudeamu.

Leydon Baroque Concert Ensemble: 31 May, St Salvatore's Chapel, 8pm

With Nicola Wemyss (mezzo-soprano), programme: Vivaldi Gelido in ogni vena from Fernace, Haendel Sinfonias and arias from Rinaldo & Hercules, Richter Sinfonia no.59 in B-flat, Telemann Suite “The Nations” in B-flat TWV55:B5, Avison Concerto grosso after Scarlatti no.7 in G-minor.

Lectures, Sports and Local Festivals

The Green Pharmacy: Herbal Remedies: 31 May, St Andrews Botanic Gardens, 10am

A practical workshop on medicinal herbs – learn about the properties of key plants used in a remarkable assortment of traditional formulations and intriguing healing compounds, handle and sample some of nature’s finest ingredients, and explore elementary herbal pharmacology and remedy-making techniques that can easily be replicated and enjoyed at home – ingredients and equipment will be provided on the day.