St Andrews Happenings: August 2015

Emily Goetsch Student Services Officer


August 1, 2015

Art and Culture

Through the Keyhole

1 August, Start at MUSA, 1:30pm

Find out about some notable characters who have made their home in St Andrews and discover the places they lived, worked, rested and played.

Recording Britain: Life and Landscape During World War II

Throughout August, MUSA

Discover a remarkable collection of paintings and drawings produced as part of a nationwide project to capture the changing face of Britain's landscape during the Second World War. These artworks depict coastal villages, bustling towns and traditional industries, thought at the time to be endangered by war and urban development.

Model Railway Exhibition

8-9August, St Andrews Town Hall

Exhibition put on by the East Neuk Railway Club.

Glynedebourne-The Rape of Lucretia

9 August, Byre Theatre, 6pm

Live screening of the Britten opera from the Glyndebourne Festival.

Music, Comedy and Dance

Shirley Valentine

1 August, Byre Theatre, Various times

A one-character comedy by Willy Russell.

Kellie Consort

2 August, St Salvator's Chapel, 7:30pm

Scotland’s pre-professional baroque ensemble, programme: JS Bach Cantata no. 4, “Christ lag in Todesbanden”, RameauSuite from “Dardanus”, Handel Dixit Dominus.

Ceol Righ Innse Gall: Music for the Lords of the Isles

5 August, All Saints Church Hall, 12:45pm

Simon Chadwick’s imaginative recreations of the ceremonial marches and court music, played on the Queen Mary harp, for the medieval Kings of the West in their great hall at Finlaggan.

Lectures, Sports and Local Festivals

Fulmar Fest

1 August, The Pends Coastal Path outside the Cathedral, 11am

Join RSPB Scotland on the Fife coastal path just outside the Cathedral to watch these amazing birds. We’ll have telescopes set up to see if we can catch a glimpse of any hungry chicks and look out for other coastal wildlife.

Sixty Degrees North

5 August, Waterstones Bookshop, 6:30pm

Author Malachi Tallack talks about and signs his book about his relationship with Shetland.
