Stirling Happenings: April 2015

Emily Goetsch Student Services Officer


April 1, 2015

Art and Culture

April Foolery: 4 and 5 April, Stirling Castle

Homesick for her French childhood, the Queen commands her court to take on the Gallic style of celebrating Easter, abound with clowning around and merriment.

Douglas Gifford: 20 April, Smith Art Gallery and Museum, 7:30pm

Douglas Gifford talks about Sir Walter Scott and his widely misunderstood legacy to Scottish fiction.

Weaving the Unicorn: Throughout April, Stirling Castle

Hand-woven tapestry, Hunt of the Unicorn, a series of seven reimagined medieval tapestries.


Music Comedy and Dance

Northern Ballet: Elves and the Shoemaker: 9 April, Macrobert, 12:15pm, 2pm and 4pm

Northern Ballet retell the classic tale from the Brothers Grimm.

Memory Lane: 24 April, Albert Halls, 7:30pm

A nostalgic journey through six decades of music from Judy Garland to the Bay City Rollers, performed by world class singers and the Memory Lane dancers.

TOSCA: Heritage Opera Tosca: 8 April, Macrobert, 7:30pm

Heritage Opera's production of Puccini's Tosca.

The World Turtle: 10 April, Macrobert, 7pm

A comedic look at the end of the world as we know it.


Lectures, Sports and Local Festivals

Scotfairs Antique and Collectors Fair: 4 April, Albert Halls, 10am-4pm

A large selection of collectables old and new, from rare treasures for the connoisseur to interesting and affordable pieces for anyone and everyone.
