The Tarasca & Feast of Corpus Christi

Sergio Pajares June 8, 2020

It is widely recognized that Spain is a country with unique cultural traditions. We love festivities and sharing our free time with our family and friends. Sometimes, weekends are not enough to enjoy our free time. For this reason, in Spain we have what… More

Curious festivities in Spain - VIRTUAL EUROPE EVENT!

Agustina Balacco June 1, 2020

If there is something that characterizes us, it’s the original cultural festivities.  Can you imaginea whole town throwing tomatoes against each other?! Or burning huge sculptures made ofpaper?!   Well, you will learn about these and more through different… More


Agustina Balacco May 22, 2020

Something positive about the current situation? Since we are at home, the contamination rates have reached a historical low! The reduction in traffic has been very remarkable, it was reduced to 60 percent in cities such as Barcelona or Madrid. A huge… More

International Museum Day

Agustina Balacco May 13, 2020

On May 18th is the International Museum Day. The aim of this day is to raise awareness of the importance of museums ascultural exchange, enrichment of cultures, as well as for thedevelopment of mutual understanding, the collaboration and peacebetween… More

New Normality

Agustina Balacco May 6, 2020

Little by little we are getting closer to the “new normality”. The past 2nd of May was an awaited day for Spanish people, as the first day of freedom! After 45 days in quarantine it was allowed to walk in the city and do some sports. It was a sunny and… More

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