Spring 2020

Agustina Balacco March 30, 2020

Beyond the difficult situation that we are living these days, we would like to say that it has been a lovely semester in which we were lucky to meet our students from the spring of 2020, share with them every day and have a good time, but unfortunately… More

Barcelona Rooftop Music

Dr. Jaume Gelabert March 30, 2020

March 28, 2020, or rather, Day 14 of confinement and most Spaniards´ cell phones still brim with memes, jokes, references to how much weight people are going to gain and daydreaming tales of how amazing it´ll be to finally leave the house. Spaniards,… More

A Note From a Student

Student Voices March 20, 2020

Jack Harris is a Belmont University student and was a participant on our Spring 2020 Arcadia in Barcelona program before having to come home early due to the ongoing COVID-19 situation. Jack recently wrote this note to us upon his return home. This was… More

Staying Connected, Feeling Strong

Marta Cabrera March 19, 2020

We all need some time to process what is happening around the world. Last week was hard for our students in Granada, a true roller coaster for everyone. We are happy to know you are now safely home, taking care of yourselves, resting after all these… More

Update to Spring 2020 Arcadia Programs

Dr. Jaume Gelabert March 17, 2020

The Spring 2020 Arcadia programs in Spain have been suspended due to the Coronavirus outbreak. Students should look for emails from Arcadia for specific information and general updates can be found on Arcadia's Coronavirus updates blog and FAQs. More

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