
Sílvia Serra


Associate Director of Arcadia in Barcelona

Field Study Museum of Exile and Collioure

Sílvia Serra March 4, 2016

Last Friday there was a field study that dealt with the uneasy history of 20th Century Spain. Our day trip was to the Spanish-French border, the Museum of Exile and the small seaside village Colliure. The trip was planned in order to show students the… More

Spanish Field Study to Zaragoza

Sílvia Serra March 3, 2016

As part of the Spanish language courses, last weekend we went to discover the city of Zaragoza, its gastronomy, history and culture. How different it is from Barcelona and the region of Catalonia! Depending on the Spanish level the students have, we… More

Documentary Photography Field Study

Sílvia Serra March 1, 2016

Over the weekend, Professor Anderson took students on a Documentary Photography Field Study to Sabadell, which is a small city that is less than an hour's drive from the international city of Barcelona. They had the chance to creatively reconstruct the… More

Sitges Day Trip

Sílvia Serra March 1, 2016

Last Friday, we had a wonderful sunny day in Sitges! Sitges is one of the most well-known coastal towns of Catalonia, and nowadays it is worldwide famous for its Carnival and its Film Festival. However it has always been an important historical reference… More

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