
Sílvia Serra


Associate Director of Arcadia in Barcelona

Embedded Course Excursions to Girona

Sílvia Serra March 2, 2017

Last week the students of Cross Cultural Management & Human Development in a Cross Cultural Context, visited Girona. The goal of this trip was to know how different cultures lived together and left it legacy in city. Thought the architecture of Girona… More

Gastronomy & Culture in Spain Excursion

Sílvia Serra January 27, 2017

The field trip arranged for the course Gastronomy and Culture in Spain consisted of a visit to Alicia Foundation, which owes its name to the acronym made up of two Catalan words: Alimentació (Food) and Ciència (Science). Alicia is inscribed within a wider… More

What should I pack?

Sílvia Serra December 28, 2016

One of the most common questions that all of you have is what should I pack? Don’t worry, you are not the only one wondering yourself if you will need that light jacket or you should pack the winter one. Here you have some tips that we hope they’ll help… More

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