I need a coffee... but what to order?

Sílvia Serra October 6, 2016

Catalans love coffee! We can drink coffee at any time during the day and always in a bar or at home. We get surprised when somebody, usually a tourist, order a coffee to take away and drink it on the street in his way to another place. Really?  For us… More

La Mercè 2016 is already here!

Aixa Traoré September 22, 2016

Today is a special day in Barcelona. Apart from being the first day of fall and the Day Without Cars, it’s also the day when Barcelona’s greatest event of the year begins: La Mercè 2016! La Mercè (also known as “Les Festes de la Mercè”) is the Festa… More


Aixa Traoré July 21, 2016

Montserrat is sometimes called the magic mountain and that’s for a good reason. Just the view of it is magic itself! Montserrat is a massif near Barcelona and it is visible from great distances. The literal meaning of Montserrat is “Serrated Mount”,… More

Castellers de Barcelona

Aixa Traoré June 10, 2016

If you are staying around the city this weekend, you will have the opportunity to see spectacular castellers’ (human towers) live performances in two of the most well-known squares in Barcelona. Castellers de Barcelona are celebrating their 47th anniversary… More

Night of Museums

Aixa Traoré May 18, 2016

Today is the International Museum Day, and Barcelona is not going to remain passive about it. Since 1977, a growing number of museums all over the world have joined this initiative with a common purpose: to raise awareness of the key role that museums… More

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