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Bonfires of St. John

Arcadia students visiting Spain in summer always enjoy their experience not only because they spend their holidays learning… More

Sergio Pajares Granada, Spain

Bonfires of St. John

Sergio Pajares June 23, 2020

Arcadia students visiting Spain in summer always enjoy their experience not only because they spend their holidays learning Spanish but also because they get immersed in our traditions. Saint John’s Day may be one of the most popular festivals held in… More

The Tarasca & Feast of Corpus Christi

Sergio Pajares June 8, 2020

It is widely recognized that Spain is a country with unique cultural traditions. We love festivities and sharing our free time with our family and friends. Sometimes, weekends are not enough to enjoy our free time. For this reason, in Spain we have what… More

Día de la Cruz in Granada (May 3)

Marta Cabrera May 3, 2020

Every year since 1625, Granada celebrates its Día de la Cruz (“Day of the Cross”) on May 3. Following the tradition, thousands of fresh carnations are used to decorate around 100 different “crosses” all over the city.  Every year, the city hall hosts… More

Gardening time!

Elena Lázaro April 26, 2020

How is being doing over there? I am sure you will be busy with surprising sort of activities at home. Here I want to give you another one maybe you already did, gardening. For those who have the luck to have a yard this is a plus, but I am sure even… More

The Shadow of the Wind

Elena Lázaro April 9, 2020

Hola a todos!!!! How are you? Do you miss Barcelona? Here I have a different idea to feel closer to our city. My suggestion to take advantage of the confinement is spend your time reading, and you will see below one of my favorites. Today I have found… More

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