La Ruta de l'Atzar

Agustina Balacco Student Life and Service Coordinator


April 20, 2020

We must not give up! Hopefully, very soon we can return no our normal life and hug our loved ones =)
Also, back to normal life means visiting other countries. That's why we would like to share with you this video about Catalonia and of course we would love to see you soon here!!!

This video of the tourist campaign in Catalonia "La Ruta de l'Atzar" has won the 2018 award for the best tourist film in the world awarded by the International Committee of Tourism Films (CIFFT).
The piece tells the story of two girls who follow in the footsteps of a singer through Catalonia after finding their travel journal at a train station. The girls visit tourist destinations of all demarcations. They discover, among others, Montserrat, Lleida, the Pyrenees, Tarragona, the Costa Daurada, the Costa Brava and Girona, where they finally find the singer. Throughout the film a version of Jaume Sisa's song 'Qualsevol nit pot sortir el sol' plays.

Video of the tourist campaign in Catalonia "La Ruta de l'Atzar"
