New Normality

Agustina Balacco Student Life and Service Coordinator


May 6, 2020

Little by little we are getting closer to the “new normality”. The past 2nd of May was an awaited day for Spanish people, as the first day of freedom! After 45 days in quarantine it was allowed to walk in the city and do some sports.

It was a sunny and warm Saturday in Barcelona, local people were walking, cycling, skateboarding or running, the last one was the most popular!

Which was the favourite place to go? The beach!! Also, other spots like Montjuïc or Collserola Hill were crowded too.

We are not allowed to be outside all the time, we must respect the time slot: From 6am to 10am and from   8pm to 11pm. Is not that bad and is better than nothing!

Sunny and warm days are here, and we really appreciate enjoying them outside!  
