Orxata Season Is Coming!!!

Agustina Balacco Student Life and Service Coordinator


May 3, 2019

Orxata is a popular non-alcoholic drink from Valencia, which is popular throughout all of Spain.

It’s made from soaked, ground and sweetened Tiger Nuts, called Chufas in Spanish.

Orxata is suitable for vegetarians, vegans, and people with nut or dairy allergies =)

Orxata is very fresh, and you can drink it at anytime of the day, but it is typically drunk at Merienda, (the late afternoon snack between lunch and dinner). Many bars make Orxata, in this case you will see display a sign "Hay Horchata" (in Spanish)

If you are un Barcelona and you are looking for the best Orxata, you must go to Sirvent Orxateria (in Sant Antoni). 

Sometimes you can see a queue of people waiting outside! A proof that the quality of their products is really good. A real classic of summers in Barcelona!

Also you will find sweet pastries that are made to be dunked in your Orxata beverage called Fartons, they are made of flour, milk, sugar, oil, eggs and sugar-glazed on the top.


Around Barcelona