If It's Not What You Want Then GO GET WHAT YOU DO

Mickie March February 11, 2020

Currently Studying at: Arcadia in Granada, Spain Homeschool: Arcadia University Let's start at the beginning, the first week and a half were all orientation, which was planned out very well. We started out by flying into Madrid on a Thursday morning… More

Classes & Trips

Mackenzi White February 11, 2020

Currently Studying at: University of Limerick, Ireland Homeschool: Hilbert College Settling into classes has been an easier transition then one would expect from having a week to decide on what to take. Luckily, I kept my electives open for this semester… More

International Flights and Long Layovers

Tessa Rendina February 10, 2020

Currently Studying At: University of Cape Town, South Africa Homeschool: Susquehanna University Between Dulles and Cape Town stood thirty hours of layover and flights. I departed from Dulles International Airport late at night, so I slept a majority… More

CBS News London Bureau Internship

Jill Shaughnessy February 5, 2020

Currently studying at: London Internship Program, England Homeschool: Arcadia University This semester I have been working at the largest CBS News station outside of New York called the London Bureau. It covers all of Europe, the Middle East, and even… More

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