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Ode to the Bike

Triglav National Park You don’t need a guidewhen you’re trying to get lostan orange road bikejumping, stiff along country… More

Adam Becker University of Edinburgh, Scotland


Adam Becker


University of Edinburgh, Scotland

Ode to the Bike

Adam Becker May 19, 2017

Triglav National Park You don’t need a guidewhen you’re trying to get lostan orange road bikejumping, stiff along country roadsdropped handlebarslock you in placeinseparableyour wheels buzz content I left Bled, flyingroad unwindingdodging chickens cluckingthrough… More

Self Pity

Adam Becker May 5, 2017

Maybe this is not the right place for it, but I can’t put down my travel thoughts until I get this off my chest. I’m not sure if it was the added walking around on concrete or what, but I left Amsterdam crippled. Crippled in the sense that I could no… More

The Board Game

Adam Becker March 23, 2017

The greatest game of all: Life. Of course, there are different versions available depending on where you bought the game, where you’re playing, who you’re playing with, what language your rule book is in… the list goes on, but at the end of the day the… More


Adam Becker March 7, 2017

The lonely road is profound on a bike. It takes on a different feeling, a personal feeling. Two lane roads switching to single track every now and then. Yet the switching mattered little based on the few cars that passed over the many miles. The scenery… More

Calton Hill Thoughts

Adam Becker February 15, 2017

  The day was windy and sunny, a slight chill but nothing too bad. I was “hiking” my way up to Calton Hill, one of the high points of Edinburgh where there are some beautiful views of the city. One thought I had while walking was that I should not have… More

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