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Why City Envy is a Good Thing

This weekend, three of my friends and I flew to Avalon, a tiny airport outside Melbourne, to drive the Great Ocean Road.… More

Allison Gordon University of Sydney, Australia


Allison Gordon


University of Sydney, Australia

Why City Envy is a Good Thing

Allison Gordon September 7, 2017

This weekend, three of my friends and I flew to Avalon, a tiny airport outside Melbourne, to drive the Great Ocean Road. Although we had carefully planned the week before, the trip felt spontaneous and exciting. It’s definitely not something I would have… More

One Note About Academics While Abroad…

Allison Gordon August 15, 2017

Finding balance in college is difficult. On paper, I went to college to expand my educational opportunities, get a degree, and secure a job after graduation. But I also went to join clubs and societies, meet new people, and maybe sleep in every once… More

Advice on Public Transportation

Allison Gordon August 4, 2017

During orientation, our leaders asked us to write a list of goals for our study abroad experience. I usually find these exercises unbearably cheesy, but I really tried to put thought into what I hope to get out of the trip. My list was long, with both… More