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Turn Back Time...

I’m back. Sitting in my house in Vancouver Washington, looking through picture’s from just a week ago. The last week of my… More

Audrey Eggleston London Now - England


Audrey Eggleston


London Now - England

Turn Back Time...

Audrey Eggleston December 29, 2014

I’m back. Sitting in my house in Vancouver Washington, looking through picture’s from just a week ago. The last week of my time abroad was one of the worst, not because of what happened, but what it led up to. I have loved my time abroad and the friends… More

Greatest Day

Audrey Eggleston December 13, 2014

Bonjour. Last weekend, Suruchi, Erin, Alicia and I embarked on a Parisian adventure. Alicia had already been to the city many of times and has a friend, Caroline, studying abroad at a local Paris college. We left on Friday via Eurostar, which travels… More

Change Your Ticket….

Audrey Eggleston December 2, 2014

6 am Saturday morning, most people my age are tucked in bed with gumdrops dancing in their dreams. That was not the case for Erin, Suruchi, and myself; the three of us embarked on a vacation from our vacation and headed to the emerald island; Ireland… More

It’s the Final Countdown….

Audrey Eggleston November 24, 2014

Thirty days… that’s it. There is only a month left of my time abroad. I don’t want to leave this place; this has been the best experience of my life. In this past week of being back Suruchi, Alicia, Erin, and I went back to Dishoom, planned a trip to… More

Make Me Your Aphrodite…

Audrey Eggleston November 18, 2014

6 am, November 4, 2014. A black taxi took five excited girls to the airport and onto the warmth of Athens, Greece. Suruchi, Mariam, Erin, Alicia, and I embarked on an adventure of a lifetime. “We’ll figure it out,” became not just a phrase to us, but… More

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