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Five More Weeks

Its crazy to think that my first semester of college I couldn't stand being an hour and a half away from home and now, here… More

Breana Intlekofer Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand


Breana Intlekofer


Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand

Five More Weeks

Breana Intlekofer June 17, 2016

Its crazy to think that my first semester of college I couldn't stand being an hour and a half away from home and now, here I am, extending my stay by a month on the other side of the world. I recently read a quote that said:  "Travel is about the gorgeous… More

I Left My Heart on the South Island

Breana Intlekofer May 17, 2016

After being in New Zealand for almost three months, I finally visited the South Island at the beginning of April. My friend and I flew into Christchurch and got a relocation car from Christchurch to Queenstown (way cheaper than renting a car!). I wasn't… More

Hidden Gems in New Zealand

Breana Intlekofer April 11, 2016

When first researching all of the places I wanted to go during my time in New Zealand, I was overwhelmed by the amount of beautiful places there were to choose from. But, it turns out that even the places that aren't commonly advertised as must-see spots… More

Week Three in Wellington

Breana Intlekofer March 9, 2016

Laid back. That's a recurring theme I have been noticing since I arrived in Wellington, NZ three weeks ago. Recently, I have learned that this theme and manner of living life continues into how classes are taught at my university. I love this take on… More

33 New Friends

Breana Intlekofer February 22, 2016

Orientation week is over and I can officially say I have made 33 new friends in just a few days. I don't think I have ever been as tired as I was when arriving at the Auckland airport to meet my fellow study abroad students, but the Arcadia staff made… More

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