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The 100th Day

I’m now in the last two weeks of my Semester Internship in Rome, and what a feeling it is. To say I’ve lived in Rome for… More

Bridget Michael Rome Internship Program, Italy


Bridget Michael


Rome Internship Program, Italy

The 100th Day

Bridget Michael December 7, 2016

I’m now in the last two weeks of my Semester Internship in Rome, and what a feeling it is. To say I’ve lived in Rome for 100 days is definitely an accomplishment worthy of putting on my gravestone. It’s in these last days here I am beginning to reflect… More

Trumping On Abroad

Bridget Michael November 14, 2016

By now I’m sure it’s hard to discuss the political atmosphere in America, but it’s even harder to discuss this topic abroad. Why is that? Well, for the most part, discussion has been dropped. The hype and excitement has left, and the world around me seems… More

Radio Internship

Bridget Michael October 11, 2016

Let’s talk about the realities of, not only interning, but interning in a foreign country. Coming to terms with my internship was a challenge I faced even before landing in Italy. I am an International Studies and History major, so my expectations were… More

Eternal Graffiti

Bridget Michael September 29, 2016

I don’t claim to be an expert on graffiti, but many of the Romans I’ve met do. As Americans, we are quick to point out the unseemly graffiti that seems to be everywhere in Rome. When I say everywhere, I really do mean everywhere, except maybe on UNESCO… More

Grazie, No Thank You Here

Bridget Michael September 7, 2016

Before you buy your plane ticket with some Italian romance in your eyes, I have to let you in on a few essential parts of studying abroad. See, there is this thing some professionals like to call “the emotional stages of studying abroad,” or as I like… More

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