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Unscripted Scenes

For the second half of my mid-trimester break, six of us drove to the northern coast of New Zealand where we spent the week… More

Caroline Roy Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand


Caroline Roy


Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand

Unscripted Scenes

Caroline Roy December 4, 2018

For the second half of my mid-trimester break, six of us drove to the northern coast of New Zealand where we spent the week playing cards, tossing frisbees, and lying in the cold sand, trying to pretend it was summertime. By that time, our little group… More

Friendship and Jazz Music

Caroline Roy September 27, 2018

Before I left for New Zealand, one of my professors warned me that when you’re on your own in a new place, your highs and lows of life become amplified. Your bad moments feel exceptionally bad, your good times euphorically good. I thought about this lesson… More