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Peeling the Layers of a Culture

The program has officially started! Last week I met in Madrid with Dr. Cabrera, Assistant Director of Arcadia in Granada… More

Diana Angel Alvarez Fundación Ortega-Marañón, Spain


Diana Angel Alvarez


Fundación Ortega-Marañón, Spain

Peeling the Layers of a Culture

Diana Angel Alvarez September 14, 2018

The program has officially started! Last week I met in Madrid with Dr. Cabrera, Assistant Director of Arcadia in Granada, who welcomed us to Spain and to the Arcadia -Toledo program. We had a short but substantial tour, were spoiled with great food and… More

Is this Really Happening?

Diana Angel Alvarez September 6, 2018

Does this happen to you, that as soon as someone asks you to write down your experience, your brain wipes out and goes blank? Well, it happens to me and more often than I would like to admit. I arrived to Toledo, Spain, with two weeks to anticipate the… More