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The Aegean

This past month, I’ve stared at the sea quite a bit. I saw the starting point of the Aegean Sea at Cape Sounion at Attica… More

Erin Worden Athens Internship Program, Greece


Erin Worden


Athens Internship Program, Greece

The Aegean

Erin Worden February 24, 2016

This past month, I’ve stared at the sea quite a bit. I saw the starting point of the Aegean Sea at Cape Sounion at Attica’s southernmost point. I climbed the rocks of Crete’s shores to swim in Chania’s clear water. And – perhaps most powerfully – I felt… More

Athenian Voices

Erin Worden February 8, 2016

Greeks can be loud. Athens is often noisy. There are buskers in busy plateias (my favorite one of whom covers Britney Spears hits from the early 2000s). There are flat-bed trucks that drive through my neighborhood’s tiny streets, while loud recordings… More

Waking up in Greece

Erin Worden January 25, 2016

The past few mornings, I’ve woken up in Athens, Greece – a city steeped in ancient empires and histories, a site of contemporary crisis, and my home for the next few months. My international studies research initially attracted me to Athens. To me, the… More