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The Grand South Island Adventure

The trip began with waking up at 4:00am on the first Monday of the mid-semester break. Little did I or my fellow adventurers… More

Fiona Bell University of Auckland, New Zealand


Fiona Bell


University of Auckland, New Zealand

The Grand South Island Adventure

Fiona Bell October 5, 2017

The trip began with waking up at 4:00am on the first Monday of the mid-semester break. Little did I or my fellow adventurers know that it only takes 5 minutes to get through the domestic terminal at the Auckland International Airport. There wasn’t even… More

The First Six Week Slump

Fiona Bell September 22, 2017

The first half of my semester was all in all pretty uneventful. I walked into a cult meeting on accident, but decided to stay until it was over so I could eat their free vegan food. I tried my hand at kayaking, which in hindsight wasn’t a good fit because… More

Oh Orientation, My Orientation

Fiona Bell July 21, 2017

After an exhaustingly long plane flight surrounded by the New Zealand National Performing Arts Team (I only mention this because they sang show tunes pretty much the whole way there), I and 19 other students from around the country met up and were herded… More