
Gillian Davenport


Umbra Institute, Perugia, Italy

The Come Down: Going Home after a Semester Abroad

Gillian Davenport December 26, 2016

Well, I did it. Four months, a few plane rides, and somewhere close to 200 shots of espresso (I did the math) later, I’m sitting in my parents' living room again. As I dip the Italian cookies I ‘brought for my family’ in my cappuccino, I can’t help but… More

Honey, I’m (Almost) Home

Gillian Davenport November 29, 2016

Preparing to Return from a Semester Abroad I was recently sitting in class, and with the semester rapidly nearing an end, we were having a discussion (or at least trying to given that we were only permitted to speak in Italian) regarding our time in… More

On Adulthood

Gillian Davenport October 31, 2016

One of the questions I was most frequently asked prior to going abroad was, “Why?” More specifically, “Why so soon?” given that I was just entering my sophomore year and would be one of the youngest in my program of around 90 students. I often replied… More

Finding Myself While Getting Lost

Gillian Davenport October 3, 2016

I’ve officially been abroad for a month, and seeing as I caught my first ‘change of seasons’ cold, I have some time (in-between sneezes) to reflect on my experiences and adventures thus far. One of the most memorable weekends was when I jetted off to… More

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