
Haley Winkle


Arcadia in Rome, Italy

Quick Question, Is This Real? A Field Study in Tuscany

Haley Winkle October 2, 2017

Rarely before have I spent a weekend asking myself and those around me, “Is this real?” in true disbelief. Then again, these past two days have been unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. I’m taking the legendary Dr. K’s food studies course this semester… More

Catching Up

Haley Winkle September 22, 2017

It’s been a little bit since I’ve been able to blog - which is to say, I’ve been busy and having a great time in Rome (and devoting time and energy to navigating my own comfort zone here). Orientation is finally complete, and my first week of classes… More

Gratitude and Confidence

Haley Winkle August 31, 2017

Sono qui! I am here in beautiful Rome. Our delightful program director brought us to the Aventine Hill near Circo Massimo on the first day. This is one of the seven hills in Rome, overlooking Italy towards the northwest. Later that night, after our welcome… More

Ready? Yes.

Haley Winkle August 28, 2017

I’m getting ready to study and travel abroad for my second time - this time, I feel much more prepared and confident. Aside from having to leave my large cat behind in Ann Arbor so I can live and study in Rome for the semester, I think I’m feeling ready… More

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