
Hayley Graffunder


University of Edinburgh, Scotland

On Being a Person Abroad

Hayley Graffunder March 24, 2017

 or, On Being Type A Abroad Sipping tea in cafes with a stack of books in front of me, meeting my friends out for dinner every other night, and always having a full closet of clean clothes to chose from with literally no effort on my part. This is the… More

Iceland: My First Trip Outside Scotland

Hayley Graffunder March 1, 2017

By now, most people in the program have already been on a number of weekend trips to Copenhagen, Paris, Amsterdam, and more. I spent nearly every weekend on trips around Scotland or simply enjoying the city I chose to study abroad in, and I’m glad I did… More

Being a Tour Guide

Hayley Graffunder February 15, 2017

A few weekends ago I had the joy of showing one of my closest friends around Edinburgh. Sarah (who’s also an Arcadia student blogger!) came up to visit me from London, and while playing tour guide, I realized how excessively passionate I am about this… More

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