
JayLeen Murray


NUI Galway, Ireland

Turning Plans Into Actions

JayLeen Murray April 21, 2017

How Organizing Myself Helped Me Travel Efficiently  Before studying abroad, I have never been big on planning things out.  I always found that I was much more relaxed when I didn’t think too much about anything and handled things as they came my way… More

Things To Consider Before Going Abroad

JayLeen Murray April 17, 2017

It’s around the time where studying abroad applications are in full force for next year.  Whether you’re thinking of studying in the Summer, Fall or Spring, there are probably a million things running through your head- good, bad, scary, intimidating… More

Telltale Signs You Stepped Out Of America…

JayLeen Murray March 1, 2017

Sometimes living abroad tricks us with a routine that warms us with a familiarity.  Step by step, we adjust and adapt to everyday life living in a new world.  But just when we think we’re getting comfortable, how quickly we’re reminded we’re American… More

Six Weeks, Six New Adventures

JayLeen Murray February 21, 2017

It feels like just yesterday I just landed in the Dublin airport, a little delusional and confused, walking through customs. Six weeks later and as settled into my new home as I’m going to get, it’s starting to sink in just how quickly time is passing… More

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