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A Taste of Home

MY MOM AND DAD CAME TO SEE ME THIS WEEKEND!! They got in on Thursday night, and left on Monday morning. I hadn't seen them… More

Jordan Mcintyre Edinburgh Internship Program, Scotland


Jordan Mcintyre


Edinburgh Internship Program, Scotland

A Taste of Home

Jordan Mcintyre April 19, 2016

MY MOM AND DAD CAME TO SEE ME THIS WEEKEND!! They got in on Thursday night, and left on Monday morning. I hadn't seen them since Christmas so it was really nice to see them again. I got to show them all over Edinburgh, and got to do all of the fun touristy… More

Do a Homestay

Jordan Mcintyre April 1, 2016

This weekend was probably the highlight of my whole year abroad. I got to do a homestay in Southport, England. My hosts, an older couple, Bill and Patricia, were the sweetest people I think I have ever met. It can get a little lonely being away from your… More

Climbing, Canoes, and Ceilidhs… Oh My!

Jordan Mcintyre March 3, 2016

This weekend, I went on the Edinburgh Centre’s Firbush Activity Weekend. This was an event hosted by the Arcadia Centre where students were able to participate in some outdoor activities and get to see some more of Scotland. We left by minibus on Friday… More

Finding My Routine

Jordan Mcintyre February 17, 2016

I’m one of those people who very much needs a routine. However, I’m usually pretty bad about setting this routine for myself. I would love it if I could be the kind of person who can do whatever whenever, but I’m just not built that way. One of my resolutions… More

About my internship

Jordan Mcintyre February 11, 2016

I’m currently participating in Arcadia’s Edinburgh Internship Program. To tell you a little bit more about what I’m doing here, I’ll break down my schedule for you: Monday and Tuesday I have class at Edinburgh Napier University, and Wednesday and Thursday… More

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