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Almost There

These past two weeks or so have been filled with constant paper writing. My UCC finals, for my five courses, consists of… More

Kate Ahern University College Cork, Ireland


Kate Ahern


University College Cork, Ireland

Almost There

Kate Ahern November 26, 2018

These past two weeks or so have been filled with constant paper writing. My UCC finals, for my five courses, consists of two 3,000-word papers and three 1,500-word papers. Never in my time as a student, have I ever had to write so much before. Before… More

The Halfway Point

Kate Ahern October 29, 2018

As I write this, I am exactly halfway through my time at University College Cork and have completed all three of my midterm essays. I feel as though I have learned a lot about myself so far, especially in terms of how I work as a student. The midterms… More

Settling In

Kate Ahern September 19, 2018

Today marks the end of my second week of classes. Yes, that means my classes run only from Monday to Wednesday. It is quite the test of my own discipline to see how often I can actually get myself to do homework. The first week of classes ended up actually… More

The Dwindling Days Before Arrival

Kate Ahern August 31, 2018

Let’s just start by saying that I hate packing. Everyone hates packing, but I always forget how much I hate it until I actually have to do it. I am always one for being on top of a packing list, I’ve had that ready for about a month, but actually bringing… More