
Katie Garrett


University College London, England

Keeping a Journal: Remembering the Small Details

Katie Garrett November 17, 2014

While abroad, everything can seem significant, but that doesn’t mean you will remember. Tickets, receipts, quotes, new facts learned, etc. seem important, but they are often forgotten and feel like clutter just a few weeks later. At the end of my study… More

Exploring Ireland

Katie Garrett November 17, 2014

When people think of Ireland, including myself when I first went four years ago, they think of Dublin and kissing the Blarney Stone. I mean what else is there? I’m happy to say that during my time abroad, I have had opportunities to explore places I didn… More

Studying in the UK

Katie Garrett October 28, 2014

Studying abroad in the UK is not like studying in America with an English accent. While it’s nerve-wracking to study and be evaluated in a new place, it’s also refreshing. I don’t worry about my marks as much, because it’s more about the experience than… More

Un Voyage à Paris

Katie Garrett October 12, 2014

One of the wonderful parts about living in London is the ease of travel. I am just a ten-minute bus ride away from St. Pancras International, where I can catch the Eurostar for a direct train ride to Paris. Leaving on a Friday afternoon and coming back… More

Week 1: Yes, England is a Foreign Country

Katie Garrett September 26, 2014

Last week, I arrived in London. My nerves skyrocketed as the plane descended and I noticed the cars seemed to be driving backward. I met up with Arcadia at the airport, meeting new friends immediately and traveling into London on a Coach bus. The first… More

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