
Lauren Young


London, England

Photography Adventures

Lauren Young October 8, 2014

Finally got some of my film developed because I'm a slacker and it's been weeks since my last visit to this beautiful place. The first couple photos are from my visit to Winchester Cathedral. It has the tallest steeple in all of England and I thought… More

Harrow Campus

Lauren Young October 8, 2014

Despite the fact that it takes me nearly a half hour as well as half my wallet to get here on Mondays, I am so thankful I opted to take classes at this beautiful little getaway campus from the city. Surrounded by fields upon fields and only a tube stop… More

Hands-on Homework

Lauren Young October 6, 2014

One of the last classes I chose to take while abroad was a course based entirely upon writing about London. I saw it and was like, "Well I'm already going to be writing plus I'll be living in London so this just seems like an easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy… More

First Week Down, 11 More To Go!

Lauren Young September 30, 2014

After a weeks worth of classes I’ve come to the realization that no matter where you live or whatever university you attend, it is still considered rude to sleep during lecture. Mostly all of my classes are… well they’re classes so there’s not much to… More

The London Tower

Lauren Young September 25, 2014

Finally got to visit my favorite place ever, also known as The London Tower, where a portion of the cities murder, torture, and untimely death occurred. But don't let the description deter you, this place is AWESOME and filled with mystery. The sea of… More

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