
Lena Gryaznova


University of Edinburgh, Scotland

Go Forth, My Brave Heart

Lena Gryaznova October 1, 2014

My mother and brother came to visit this week, so I have been doing plenty of touristy things. Our first stop was Edinburgh Castle, where we got to learn a bunch about the history of the Castle and Edinburgh, and how poor Scotland and Edinburgh Castle… More

A Letter to America

Lena Gryaznova September 24, 2014

So I survived the first week of classes. I am starting to get the hang of things and soon essays will need to be planned and written so I am taking this time to enjoy the calm before the storm. A few days ago, a few friends and I decided to watch “Sunshine… More

Tea, Hiking, and Classes

Lena Gryaznova September 16, 2014

So the past few days have continued to be exploration days. A number of the societies put on taster sessions which were great fun to attend. Highlights included a few dance classes and a tea tasting by the SocieTEA. In-between tea tasting and dancing… More

Societies, Societies Everywhere!

Lena Gryaznova September 11, 2014

Today was a jam packed day of activities. After a morning of reading in the sunshine on campus and enjoying a very-reasonably priced latte, I decided to check out the societies fair. For those unaware, the Societies Fair is a chance for all the different… More

Freshers' Week

Lena Gryaznova September 7, 2014

The past few days included going to Calton Hill, the National Monument, the City Observatory, the Nelson Monument, Dugald Steward Monument, and fun in a telephone booth. I also settled in to my flat, what will be home for the next few months, met my… More

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