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It's Worth It in the End

It’s so surreal to think that I’ve been living in Wellington for a month already.  Time flies by so quickly and so much has… More

Lillian Beach Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand


Lillian Beach


Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand

It's Worth It in the End

Lillian Beach March 23, 2017

It’s so surreal to think that I’ve been living in Wellington for a month already.  Time flies by so quickly and so much has happened already, it seems all my pictures are the only things that help me to remember everything.  Thanks to Arcadia our program… More

The Land of the Long White Cloud

Lillian Beach March 2, 2017

“The Land of the Long White Cloud” is the English translation for the Maori term “Aotearoa”, which is an alternative name for New Zealand.  Situated in the Southern Hemisphere East of Australia, New Zealand is a beautiful little country made up of three… More

Thirteen Days on the Clock

Lillian Beach February 2, 2017

Hey everyone! This is hello from the Bronx, New York from a girl who's filled with nerves and excitement for the coming semester. I can't believe how quickly time has gone by; it seems like I just finished my fall semester at Arcadia and I'm already so… More