
Lizzie Hjelle


NUI Galway, Ireland

Paris, Budapest, and Beyond: Do It For You

Lizzie Hjelle April 20, 2016

The end of April marks the end of my classes here in Ireland. I had my last lecture on Thursday the 14th, and now only a handful of final papers stand between me and the end of my semester here at NUIG. I had already finished two of my classes earlier… More

Belfast: Broadening Perspectives

Lizzie Hjelle March 22, 2016

As the weeks have gone on, I’ve become increasingly comfortable living here in Galway. I’ve developed some routines, fortified some wonderful friendships, explored the city, and even gotten involved on campus through some clubs and societies. As I’ve… More

Manchester: The Right Place at the Right Time

Lizzie Hjelle February 11, 2016

This past weekend, two of my friends and I took our first weekend trip out of Ireland to Manchester, UK to celebrate our friend Sarah’s birthday. You may be wondering, why Manchester? Honestly, the location was pretty arbitrary. Sarah had never been to… More

Adventures in Carrigaline

Lizzie Hjelle February 3, 2016

Over the weekend, students spent the weekend living with Irish families in the town of Carrigaline. I’ll admit, at first I was a bit apprehensive about leaving my apartment and moving in with a family I had never met. However, all of my initial misgivings… More

An Evening with the Fairies

Lizzie Hjelle January 19, 2016

On Wednesday night, all of the Arcadia students in Galway had the wonderful opportunity to listen to writer and storyteller Eddie Lenihan share some of Ireland’s culture and folklore with us. After our classes had finished, a group of us headed through… More

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