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Belfast and the Antrim Coast: Video Diary

So many amazing things have happened in the past few months, and still one of my favorite Irish trips was the trek to Northern… More

Madeleine LaPlante-Dube Trinity College Dublin, Ireland


Madeleine LaPlante-Dube


Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

Belfast and the Antrim Coast: Video Diary

Madeleine LaPlante-Dube February 10, 2016

So many amazing things have happened in the past few months, and still one of my favorite Irish trips was the trek to Northern Ireland that I made with my Arcadia program. The three-day extravaganza was marked by an exploration of and lecture on the… More

Join a Club and Be Grand

Madeleine LaPlante-Dube November 23, 2015

Out of all of the things I’ve done on this continent, my favorite memories so far have come from sitting in Trinity FM’s uncomfortably small common room at the top of House 6. It’s about as big as a decently-sized walk-in closet and on its walls are scribbled… More

How to Deal When Everything Goes WRONG

Madeleine LaPlante-Dube October 8, 2015

It’s your 21st birthday. It’s also the day that you’re about to leave your family for a year to live and learn in Ireland. You’ve been preparing for weeks – okay, days, but the packing still took a while – and you do the routine: console your crying mother… More

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