
Margaret Chelsvig


University of Edinburgh, Scotland

Eleven days in Germany and Austria: Part I

Margaret Chelsvig March 3, 2015

The University of Edinburgh has a week long break from classes during February. Rather than staying in Scotland for the week, my friend and I packed our backpacks to the brim and headed to Germany and Austria. It was a great eleven days but I was exhausted… More

Exploring Scotland: Visits to Glasgow and Perth

Margaret Chelsvig February 12, 2015

So a lot has happened since my last post. I took a day trip to Glasgow, and found an American candy store there, that was selling a 12 pack of A&W Root Beer for 16 pounds, I’ve actually had to do schoolwork (I knew this day would eventually come), and… More

London Trip!

Margaret Chelsvig January 29, 2015

I had a fabulous trip to London! It was very busy and tiring, but it was a blast! I left Friday morning and managed to sleep through my alarm… so I had to sprint to the train station at 6:30am. I also went to a Ceilidh the night before and made the mistake… More

Let Classes Begin!

Margaret Chelsvig January 20, 2015

Update: I still haven’t learned British coins. I know the pound coin, the 2 pound coin, 2 pence coin and the twenty pence coin. The other ones are a mystery. Anyways…this week was the second week of classes, but because I switched 2 out of my three classes… More

What A Week!

Margaret Chelsvig January 12, 2015

Initial impressions: Darker than I predicted - seriously, there isn’t sunshine and the sun sets at 4pm. It rains way more than I could’ve imagined. It is windier than I thought. It’s also colder than I expected, coming from Minnesota, I expected Edinburgh… More

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