
Marisa Etzell


James Cook University, Australia

James Cook University: Part 2

Marisa Etzell January 3, 2019

Marisa Etzell is a student blogger studying at James Cook University, Australia When studying abroad at JCU (James Cook University), there is no lack of activities! In fact, now that I think about it, I had something going on pretty much every week night… More

A Letter to My Mother

Marisa Etzell September 12, 2018

Dear Mom, We are now past halfway through the semester. It’s week 8, and classes are beginning to pick up. I think I’ve finally “woken up” and realized this is no longer vacation and that it’s crucial to do schoolwork while I’m here. It’s crazy to think… More

James Cook University: Part 1

Marisa Etzell August 8, 2018

Being an international student and having already completed 2 years of college back home, I can’t help but compare JCU to Pacific Lutheran University. For one, I am used to going to a small private school with less than 3,000 students. Here at JCU, there… More

Riding the Wave of Life

Marisa Etzell July 7, 2018

Grief comes in waves. You never know when it will hit you. There’s no way to fully prepare for it and no way to avoid it. Sure, you can try and jump over the wave or you could even run back to shore. Yet what I have come to realize in my life thus far… More