
Mary Murray


University of Westminster, England

From Australia to England: My Experiences Abroad

Mary Murray January 3, 2019

Mary Murray is a student blogger studying at UNIVERSITY OF WESTMINSTER, ENGLAND Having had the privilege to study abroad for two semesters in two different countries, I figured now was a good time to take a step back and reflect on how different my two… More

Softball in the UK

Mary Murray December 3, 2018

Who knew that my sport would provide me with more opportunities and experiences than I would have ever imagined an ocean away from home? Softball has always been a huge part of my life. I’ve played softball since I was about 8-years-old. I started getting… More

Wentz and the Birds Take Wembley

Mary Murray November 2, 2018

I can’t believe it’s November already. It feels like just yesterday that I was going through orientation in central London with so many of the other students studying here. The fact that it’s November also means that I only have a little over a month… More

Story Time: London Heathrow, I’m Back!

Mary Murray September 25, 2018

It’s been just over a week since I’ve arrived in London, and I’ve already got a crazy story to tell. My first week in London up to the point where this story starts was great. I got to explore the city of London and see sights like the Tower of London… More

From Down Under to Across the Pond

Mary Murray August 14, 2018

Around this time last year, I was nervous, ecstatic, and frantically preparing myself for a semester abroad in Australia. I was constantly checking my Visa paperwork and making sure that I had everything that I thought I needed packed, saying goodbye… More