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Living in Sydney has given me an unexpected experience with homelessness. Particularly because my apartment is across from… More

Nicolette G. Sydney, Australia


Nicolette G.


Sydney, Australia


Nicolette G. June 9, 2014

Living in Sydney has given me an unexpected experience with homelessness. Particularly because my apartment is across from a main shopping mall where many homeless locals settle to ask for spare change and food from passers-by. I have had an opportunity… More

Sydney Fashion Week!

Nicolette G. May 12, 2014

Recently, I worked as a volunteer at Sydney Fashion week, an event hosted across the city by Mercedes Benz. I was assigned to work with a fabulous swimwear line called “We Are Handsome.” The company’s swimmers are brightly patterned in a diverse array… More

Life Moves So Quickly…

Nicolette G. May 12, 2014

Hello hello! This post has been a long time coming. I think I struggle with time here because life moves so quickly. I can hardly believe June is right around the corner, including my final internship project and after that, I head back to the US (something… More


Nicolette G. March 18, 2014

My first two weeks in Australia have come and gone, and this Sunday marks a month I have been in this wonderful continent. I have so much to report that I don’t know where to start (I should probably start journaling daily, maybe every few hours. Time… More

I’ve arrived!

Nicolette G. March 7, 2014

I survived the long plane ride to Australia! After making it to Melbourne and through customs, I was also able to get rid of my terribly heavy bags. For Orientation, we headed to the overpriced seaside town of Sorrento, which was well worth it. The hostel… More

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