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The Language Barrier

Accents are always a part of language and I have encountered more accents than I could have possibly imagined over the term… More

Rachel Torralba Lancaster University, England


Rachel Torralba


Lancaster University, England

The Language Barrier

Rachel Torralba December 14, 2017

Accents are always a part of language and I have encountered more accents than I could have possibly imagined over the term. Before coming here, I thought that all English people had the same accent. To be perfectly honest, I didn’t even know the difference… More

I'll Do It Later

Rachel Torralba December 11, 2017

I seem to be in a perpetual mindset of procrastination. I’m not sure if it was the extremely long summer or that I didn’t have anything due until week six of ten this semester. Schoolwork here tends to just be readings before the lecture or seminar. Busy… More

The Land of More Sheep Than People

Rachel Torralba November 27, 2017

This weekend, a few of the friends I made here and I made our way to Edinburgh, Scotland. We took a train up on Friday after class and spent the night exploring the city. It kind of reminded me of London but with different architecture. There was a Ferris… More

Familiar Food

Rachel Torralba November 13, 2017

Every Wednesday, there is a free bus to Sainsbury’s (it’s sort of a large grocery store that also has clothes, electronics, kitchen stuff, etc. It’s like Target or Walmart but with more emphasis on the grocery part). There are two main stores to buy groceries… More

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