
Raven Hampton


City, University of London

“Yes” to Brussels, but “No” to The Sprouts

Raven Hampton October 17, 2018

I know, I know. What do I have against brussels sprouts? Answer: absolutely nothing, except for the fact that I turn into a stubborn five-year-old and refuse to try them whenever they’re offered. Why? No idea. That’s just the way I am. But hey, more for… More

Class is in Session

Raven Hampton October 4, 2018

Sorry for the late post dear readers, but I was rather busy last week! My best friend, Bethany, arrived in town last Tuesday so we were hanging out and she was assisting me in my London adventures, which I shall now share with you! Nothing happened on… More

Orientation: From East to West (End)

Raven Hampton September 24, 2018

Hello wonderful readers! I have returned! As you know, I have now been in London for a week and what a week it has been! Orientation has kept me pretty busy, but never fear! I’ve made sure to document it! And now sit back, relax, and enjoy my telling… More

Thoughts from the Floor of an Airport

Raven Hampton September 17, 2018

As you might have gathered from the title, I am currently typing away on the floor of an airport. Not exactly the most sanitary of places, but it does provide me with good people watching (like the really cute baby next to me in the adorable tie-dye socks)… More

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